Please fill out the form (some fields are reguired) and select all the files (press button BROWSE, find and choose file, press OK and the name of the file appears on the left side of the button BROWSE). When you finish inserting data and files, press the button SUBMIT - POŠLJI, with this the sending of the data begins. It can take up to some minutes to finish uploading of your files. In some days after the upload you will receive our confirmation e-mail. Please, send us also the filled application form by post mail (you can get it >> here <<). Only in this case your works will be displaced to the jury.

Prosimo, da izpolnete vsa polja. Ko boste vnesli vse datoteke (vsako datoteko izberete z gumbom BROWSE, pojavi se vam okno, kjer izberete zeljeno datoteko, pritisnete OK in ime datoteke se pojavi v okencu levo od tega gumba). Šele ko imate vse podatke vnešene pritisnite gumb SUBMIT - POŠLJI, s tem pa boste na naš strežnik prenesli tudi vaše fotografije in podatke. Prenos lahko traja tudi nekaj minut, po konèanem prenosu dobite potrdilo o prenosu datotek. Par dni po uploadu vaših datotek vam bomo poslali tudi potrditveni e-mail, da smo prejeli vaše datoteke. Prosimo, da nam pošljete tudi izpoljeno prijavnico (dobite jo >> tukaj <<, ker bomo le tako lahko vaša dela predložili ocenjevalni žiriji.

authors name / ime avtorja

authors surnane / priimek avtorja

date of birth / letnica rojstva

school / šola oz. fakulteta

street address / ulica in hišna številka

postal number / poštna številka

town / kraj

country / država

phone number / št. telefona ali GSMa

e-mail address / e-mail naslov

photographic title (FIAP) /fotografski naziv (FIAP)

F I L E S - D A T O T E K E

A - youth/ mladi

A1 - title of the work - naslov dela

A1 - file name- ime datoteke

A2 - title of the work - naslov dela

A2 - file name- ime datoteke

A3 - title of the work - naslov dela

A3 - file name- ime datoteke

A4 - title of the work - naslov dela

A4 - file name- ime datoteke

B - free / prosta tema

B1 - title of the work - naslov dela

B1 - file name- ime datoteke

B2 - title of the work - naslov dela

B2 - file name- ime datoteke

B3 - title of the work - naslov dela

B3 - file name- ime datoteke

B4 - title of the work - naslov dela

B4 - file name- ime datoteke

By sending the files I agree with the rules of the competition YouthPhoto 2004.
S pošiljanjem datotek se strinjam s pravili razpisa FotoMladih 2004.


kaj mi nari/i> plesati sam doma ..nasmeh na obraz?
